Wedding Services - Plan A Daytime / Banquet Make-up and Hair Styling * once $ 300 HD Airbrush MU- $500 Plan B Daytime / Banquet Wedding Make-up and Hair Styling * Once $ 1280 HD Airbrush MU- $2080 Pl
c美容 / 化妝catokong workshop

$498 - 潮流數碼陶瓷電髮

查詢網址:查詢電話:3175 8718查詢電郵:[email protected]歡迎批發及零售~!2013年3月8日寬約:29CM拉直長度約:56CM誤差:+-3CM

Chandom brought along with his passion for decades, writing a new page of his career and high performance customised alloy wheels.

We aim at continuously upgrading floral service standards to serve our prestige customers. We are totally committed in teamwork. customer satisfaction.
G鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Greenfingers Florist

c美容 / 髮型設計及護髮city cut hair salon


此外,我們亦為金快達有限公司 (Goldfinder (HK) Ltd.) 的合作夥伴,在提供上述產品服務外,亦有日本及中國之遊戲機、獎品機、彩票機、推幣機等消閒玩樂設施之代理買賣,配合市場需要和客戶業務拓展。
U消閒及娛樂 / 好去處UNION 2000 LIMITED

美容 / 髮型設計及護髮澳大利亚英国美国法国留学论坛QQ2629334788办理国外文凭认证教育部国外学历学位认证

[超優惠] 新娘化妝優惠期全單9折 晚宴party謝師宴姊妹伴娘新娘化妝set頭服務 $200起 (可上門) 或到店 觀塘區 租用 官塘化妝室
美容 / 化妝Minicorner beauty

we are moroccan company for exporting : cosmetic prickly pear seed oil certified organic cosmetic and culinary argan oil certified organic by ecocer ghassoul clay organic saffron for any information f

銅鑼閣是一間精品服務式住宅,聳立於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近多間大型商場、日資百貨公司、餐飲食肆及娛樂消閑熱點。銅鑼閣交通便捷,往來銅鑼灣地鐵站(C出口)只需徒步一分鐘。房間設備齊全,備有獨立的洗手間 。月租由港幣15500-23000,已包括水費,電費,連線寬頻上網,本地電話,每月清潔房間8次,彈性租期,由三天到一年 。
C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Corner

screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" src="
D美容 / 髮型設計及護髮DS專業駁髮

A little bit more information about me Qualifications Zing The Make Up School- (Master Class and Upper Class) Glauca Rossi School of Make Up- (Diploma in Fashion Photographic and TV Make Up) Central S
T美容 / 化妝Tessa 星級專業化妝

本髮廊於旺角快富街MTR(A2)開業己5年,一向服務己客為先,1200餘尺,地方闊大舒服.......洗剪吹。。70.。染色150起全包。。電髮150起。。負離子直髮200起。。。多年經驗。。。。。hair cut... 70...color150...ion strianght...200.....perm...200....treatment..80....monkok,,MTR(A2)..
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